P7144852_HDR (by euyoung)






My InstaGram @euyoung

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攝影師、媒體人,慣於書寫、習於觀察。 喜歡著相機這樣的黑盒子,一頭鑽進拍照這件事情,生活裡總猶豫不決,面對喜歡的畫面時卻毫不猶豫的按下快門。

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4 replies on “[Quotidien]可是我去了”

  • 匿名
    2010 年 2 月 15 日 at 23:41

    Can you tell me how long you have been waiting for this moment for this photo?

    It is just GREAT 😀

  • 2010 年 2 月 17 日 at 22:22

    I wait for this around 3 hours.

  • 匿名
    2010 年 2 月 18 日 at 01:16

    it is worth waiting 😀

    One off topic question,
    how do you compare with your EP1, EP2, GF1 and GXR?

    Or if you can please start up a thread on this since they seems to be in the same league but unlike you, I will noly buy one of them, and I do not know which one should I buy

  • 匿名
    2010 年 2 月 21 日 at 14:22
